LIDS: Might be one in your future
In the history of Idaho never has a Local Improvement District process started by a Highway District been forwarded to the County Commissioners for review. I believe it is because most Highway District Commissioners would listen when 70 percent are opposed and they would drop the project or find other funding.
Unfortunately, our current East Side Highway District Commissioners have taken a stand against the residents and are attempting to force an extra tax burden for the three roads for a four-inch overlay. There are many different one-time grants that require matching funds for road, highway and bridge repairs offered by the state and the federal government.
Jimmie Dorsey and our current highway district commissioners want the law changed so in the future they will not have to go before the County Commissioners for a review. The implication is clearly that they INTEND TO DO MORE LIDS in the future.
Our District Commissioners once again wish to stifle the voice of the residents. Dorsey stated that the residents whom are impacted by the LID's would not have to comment at the upcoming meeting if they had commented in the past.
This is going to be an official hearing for the County Commissioners to review. The whole purpose of this new hearing is so the County Commissioners can hear the voice and comments of the residents impacted. It has been made district-wide and speaking limited to two minutes.
The residents at East Side should be treated respectfully when they approach the East Side Highway District with any problems and all issues. And there are many problems. East Side Highway District exists to serve the residents. The Highway District Commissioners need to listen to the residents. They are not doing so.
I hope that people will not forget what is happening with the LID and other problems in the upcoming election in May.
Candidate for East Side
Highway Commissioner