Saturday, October 12, 2024

The skinny on weight loss

by Dr. Bruce J. Grandstaff
| March 23, 2011 9:00 PM

In the past week we have watched in horror and disbelief at the earthquake spawned tsunami and the effect it had on Japan. Then the subsequent damage of explosions to their nuclear power plants. Our hearts have been torn for the Japanese people and their loss only to see them continue in the specter of nuclear radiation leaking from these reactors and a possible nuclear meltdown. As of this writing, the estimates are that the radiation leakage could continue for months.

As we watch in disbelief and fear at the reality of nuclear leakage occurring as it did with Chernobyl several years ago, we wonder what we can do to protect ourselves and our families. Our children are especially susceptible to radiation since they are growing and cells are rapidly dividing. Cell DNA and other structures are most vulnerable to radiation damage.

Of the radioactive particles absorbed from the fallout, radioactive iodine is one of the most common. It is easily absorbed and stored in the thyroid. When there is radiation leakage immediately administering iodine drops to yourself and family members is recommended. During the first few days 10 drops three times a day for adults, half that for children and three drops a day for infants would be a good starting dosage. After that one or two drops a day would be necessary.

Dr. David Willams, one of the world's leading authorities on natural healing, in his Alternatives, the nations longest running authority newsletter on alternative medicine newsletter states, "If your thyroid is receiving and has stored adequate amounts of iodine, there will be far less chance that additional amounts of radioactive iodine will be absorbed and stored by your body. The only liquid supplemental iodine product I recommend is IOSOL." Why? Because it is ammonium iodide, not potassium or sodium iodide. Most iodine products are either sodium or potassium iodide. In many cases, products that claim kelp, sea dulse, potassium and/or sodium iodine contain little of the actual mineral. The iodine potency is so low it is undetectable in laboratory tests.

John C. Thie, Sr. D.C., M.D., N.D., has pointed out that the use of iodized salt has limitations. He believed that we are given false assurance that adequate iodine is supplied. He also noted that iodides are not tolerated by everyone. By using too much potassium or sodium iodide, it is possible to upset the body's electrical balance.

So, what does this have to do with weight loss? One of the many signs of possible iodine deficiency is inability to gain or lose weight or a sudden gain or loss of weight. Proper iodine supplementation may help this as well as help protect you from radioactive fallout.

To find our more about obtaining IOSOL for iodine supplementation or for information on the Ideal Protein Diet/Treatment call our office at (208) 772-6015. Let's remember to pray for the people of Japan. Come on Coeur d'Alene and Sandpoint, let's shape up and get healthy together.