Stop the insanity! Throw out the aspartame!
I'm saddened every single day to see and hear about so many people I care about slowing killing themselves with aspartame and sucralose. I really don't think any of us would eat or drink products containing these extremely dangerous products if the products were labeled with a warning saying, "Ingredients may cause severe illness or death." Any drinks or foods containing aspartame or sucralose should contain this warning!
Even though the FDA did approve aspartame, it did list 92 different symptoms that result from ingesting aspartame. Some of these side effects include memory loss, nerve cell damage, migraines, reproductive disorders, mental confusion, brain lesions, blindness, joint pain, Alzheimer's, bloating, nervous system disorders, hair loss, food cravings, depression, schizophrenia and weight gain.
Like it or not, aspartame becomes a deadly poison at 86 degrees Fahrenheit. To me this is a scary thought when you stop to think that the human body has a core temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The formaldehyde that is produced by aspartame during the digestion process is a deadly neurotoxin and a known carcinogen. Yes, formaldehyde is what we use for the process of embalming corpses and, essentially, that's what you're ingesting when you eat or drink products containing aspartame. To make matters worse, methanol (aka wood alcohol) is also released during the digestive process when it comes in contact with the digestive enzyme chymotrypsin.
The information available to all of us concerning the extreme damage we do to our bodies every time we take a drink of a diet soda or chew sugar free gum or even eat one of the many low fat yogurts that contain aspartame or sucralose is abundant. Within minutes of googling aspartame, you'll learn why you need to STOP ingesting these deadly artificial sweeteners and you'll want to share this scary information with your loved ones, too! Take a big step toward improving your health by giving up aspartame today!
Tune into next week's article as I share with you more important information that will make you think twice before you drink that next diet soda. I'll also share some case studies that exemplify the dreadful, life-altering effects that aspartame and sucralose have caused so many in the past. If you'd like more information about aspartame or chiropractic care, call us at (208) 667-7434 or look for us on the Web at