Tuesday, October 08, 2024

RADIO: Ignore the talking heads

| March 23, 2011 10:00 PM

et's have talk radio hosts run our country; what do you say? We can do away with all the voting, the campaigning and the hollow promises. Why not? They have all the answers and their hindsight is 20/20.

Should we go with Rush? Sure...let's do it! But, he's a conservative capitalist...hmmmm; that could be a problem. He'd outlaw all unions for sure, but maybe that's a good thing. I bet he'd do away with minimum wage and those costly things like workers compensation and laws that require safe working conditions. That would save a bundle. He could be right, you know; we put far too many restrictions on business. It would be like heaven, money be made everywhere. I do admire rich people. Oh my God! ... that's too much like England in the 18th century. There could be poverty and abuse everywhere too.

No! We better go with Randi Rhodes; she'd know what to do. She'd make sure we all had health care and of course good well-paying jobs. We could keep these evil big corporations from taking advantage of us poor working stiffs. That's right!...it's about time everybody gets to have the American Dream. Yeah! I'm ready!

But...those liberals you know...they love to tax everything and everybody. I do like free money but where will it come from? Business in this country will go bankrupt for sure. Darn! I really had myself going there for minute!

You know what? Just forget the talk radio jerks!


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