Sunday, October 13, 2024

McEUEN: It's OK to disagree

| March 23, 2011 10:00 PM

In response to the McEuen Park proposal, I'd like to address it with my opinions.

Overall, the negative response has been just that - negative. We can all disagree on issues, but we can do it politely and respectfully. The opponents of "No Change" always seem to surface when a proposal regarding improvements to our community arises. In my years as an active volunteer in our community I've seen them many times. Many of the "leaders" remain the same, defending their ugly actions by stating that they're protecting our community. Their actions are wrong and misguided. Instead of respectfully writing and vocalizing their concerns, they resort to unruly name calling, jeers and boos to the opposition's opinions, threats, and unjustly accusing our elected officials and volunteers of acting in their own behalf, and not for the people of our community. Because 50 of these citizens may show up to vocalize and support their opposition, they assume that they represent the majority of the citizens. They assume that our volunteers and elected officials must adhere to their opinions. What about the hundreds of people who e-mail, phone, write, and talk to these volunteers and officials? Does their opinion not count?

If the "concerned" people would take the time to review the Survey Results on the City of Coeur d'Alene's web site they'd find some amazing results. According to the results posted on March 2, 63 percent agreed to the overall changes on the Coeur d'Alene resident website survey and 68 percent agreed on the Coeur d'Alene resident public presentation survey. Even though additional surveys list all respondents, both resident and non resident, the stats for agreement were still over 60 percent. Quite honestly, however, I'm not concerned about support or non support from those from Spokane, Athol, or any other non Coeur d'Alene resident.

Regarding the boat launch, boaters can drive 5 minutes either east or west to other launch facilities. As a former Parks and Recreation Commissioner I'm fully aware of the monitoring of these facilities over the years. Their use very minimally adds to the cash registers of our downtown businesses. The Cd'A Parks Director has also added another very exciting option in the area of the Waste Treatment plant. I will miss watching the masses exiting the lake at 3rd Street after the Fourth of July fireworks though. What a show.

The ball fields? Better fields will be located and/or built before the existing fields are taken out. The city has done exactly that with tennis courts and soccer fields. And look at the wonderful softball fields built on Ramsey a few years ago. A home for the Legion field will be found, and as with the other facilities will be much better.

Do I agree with all of the proposed elements? Absolutely not. Will anyone agree with everything. Absolutely not. We're all different - different likes, different dislikes. But I feel that the proposed plan is good for our community. It addresses many things that will positively affect so many different groups of our citizens. I don't have a dog or play basketball, but many others do. The proposed design is not for one person. It's designed to address the wants and needs of many.

Thank you to the volunteers and elected officials who have put in countless hours of their own time, working hard to continue to make our community a great place to live, work and play. Please disregard the vocal minorities' rude behavior and continue to do something that they don't. Please continue to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.


Coeur d'Alene