Thursday, March 06, 2025

SCHOOLS: Good ole boys, again

| March 18, 2011 10:00 PM

It appears to me that Hazel Bauman has joined the "Good Ole Boys." I remember not too long ago when she vowed to work with the school budget to balance and cut spending costs. It appears now that instead of saying thank you to the taxpayers for all the dollars they spend each year, she can only say more, more and more. Hazel you should be ashamed of yourself, you put the fear of God in parents to pass this levy, and could it be possible that if this levy didn't pass you may be out of a job.

Well it's time you take a good hard look at the economy today, and start thinking about people that really do have to live within their means. There are people out of work and money is as tight as it has ever been. Just where do you expect homeowners to keep coming up with extra hundreds of dollars each year? District 271 is like akin to a dope addict that just wants more and more! Your give it more and it's never enough! How about you rally up your team of yes voters and find a way to make your dreams come true, without CONSTANTLY falling back on the homeowner's taxes.

One way to cut thousands would be to not spend taxpayers money sending out District 271 propaganda a few weeks before the levy. You may want to think about dropping the free breakfast and lunch programs (even the free ones in the summer when no school is in session). If only the parents could fee their own children, (what a concept,) that would take a tremendous load off the taxpayers. I notice that most of the kids now have cell phones, how about they give up their phones and the parents could kick in that extra money toward the school fund. There are ways to cut but then again why should you surrender certain luxuries when you can bully the taxpayers one more time. I know it is not your concern that someone may have to forfeit their home or other necessities this year in order for you to keep your job. I hope you are happy Hazel and I am certain we will be hearing from you in 2013 when it's school levy time again.



Editor's note: No taxpayer dollars were spent in support of the levy.