Sunday, January 05, 2025

PLOWED: Pair see snow piled up

| March 18, 2011 10:00 PM

Well, I guess some people never grow up no matter how old they get. A while back I wrote a letter about the snowplow piling snow up next to my mother-in-law's driveway so that she can't see the traffic coming down the road and Dick Edinger told me to tell her to get a pickup truck. Well, I guess I stepped on a few toes because on March 1 the snowplow driver came down Wolf Lodge Creek Road and turned onto Meyers Hill Road. About halfway through his turn he stopped and backed up. Then he cut across the road and dropped his blade down and cut a blade full of snow from the snow bank that he had pushed up next to her driveway, then he angled his blade and pushed it across her driveway knee deep. All the while watching her front door.

What he didn't realize is that I was sitting in my living room watching him and she was watching him from her kitchen window.

That's like a 30-year-old dropping to the floor and kicking his feet and pitching a tantrum. A little childish, don't you think? That's being very vindictive.

I went to a commissioners meeting to file a complaint and Jimmy Dorsey threatened to call the law and have me thrown out if I didn't leave. He said that it was because I had previously threatened to sue them, but that has nothing to do with it. They just don't like anyone questioning their tactics, even thought I did tell them that I would sue if my mother-in-law got injured or killed because of the snow bank next to her driveway.

What would you do if it was your mother? Think about it.

By the way, any taxpayer has a right to sit in on those meetings as long as they don't cause a disturbance. That's the law. I'm nobody's fool.


Coeur d'Alene