Thursday, March 06, 2025

GOP: Dems behind failure

| March 18, 2011 10:00 PM

Dear Mr. Shriner: It is your Democratic party that has caused this nation to fail, not the GOP. Let's talk about unions first; they are the reason for all the jobs being shipped overseas and Mexico. They demand top dollar or they strike, they are the most overpaid, overinsured, underworked people out there. You call them working class; I call them middle to upper class.

Let's talk about school employees, city and state workers. They have good paying stable jobs with insurance, retirement plans, vacations, get all holidays off and yet they are always at the forefront of voter issues wanting more money. The reason I group these workers together is they are all represented by Democratic unions. Well, guess what: now that just about all the states and cities are out of money to spend, cuts are needed. They don't have the luxury of printing more money like the Democratic-led government who just keeps putting us more and more in debt. One way or another cuts are coming. They have to; we can't keep operating like this; the economy is worsening by the day no matter what Obama and his party are telling us to the contrary.

One thing the Democrats have succeeded at is dividing this nation. Hopefully we can all come to our senses and start repairing this great nation before we become a third-world country.

