CITYLINK: Not really a free ride
March 18, 2011 10:00 PM
In your editorial in the Wednesday's Press, "Gas guzzlers, get a grip," there was a statement that "Ride Citylink: it's free." It may be free to those who use the service, but someone pays for the bus, gas, drivers, etc. And where do you think those funds come from for those associated costs? If it was stated that it is "free to those who choose to use this service" then that would not be in my opinion misleading.
From the Coeur d'Alene Press, Jan. 16, "The rising cost of Citylinks' success:"
"The Tribe has been the largest contributor to the popular Citylink service, spending $1.2 million in 2010. The service also received $850,000 in federal grants in 2010, compared to $900,000 in 2009."
Post Falls