ECONOMY: Teachers aren't the enemy
Wake up America! I do not remember the teachers of this state/country being a part of its financial demise. If we are all supposed to "make cutbacks," when do those making $500K plus or more than $250K plus start making cutbacks? All I can remember is the lower and middle income Americans bending over backward to give them a tax cut in hopes they would create jobs.
My parents make well over $1 million a year and we Americans and Idahoans give them a tax cut on the backs of our teachers and firefighters and police officers, and what jobs do they create? None! They are given a paycheck by a multinational corporation. How does giving wealthy Americans that get a paycheck from a large corporation give us jobs? All they do is stock it away in a savings account. It doesn't create jobs! Stop blaming teachers and "union bosses" (which if they are lucky make MAYBE $160K a year) and start focusing on those that got us into this mess. When do the "bank bosses" and "Bernie Madoffs" (aside from only the real Bernie Madoff) start paying for the crisis they created? Do not blame those who teach us to think, blame those who would have us NOT think!