Thursday, March 06, 2025

TURNOUT: Worth a phone call

| March 11, 2011 9:00 PM

The Press reported that the recent school levy measure had a turnout of 28.4 percent of the district's registered voters go to the polls in Coeur d'Alene. That is a little more than 1 in 4 registered voters. How pathetic can we get?

Our military is fighting and dying to protect our freedom to vote and to give that same freedom to people in foreign countries. We don't seem to respect our right to vote in this country and we find every kind of excuse to shirk the responsibility. We stay at home and complain about someone getting elected or why something did or did not pass. Those who do not vote are probably the first to complain about the results of an election.

Call someone if you have legitimate difficulty in getting out to vote. A neighbor, a friend or someone in your church would be pleased to take you. Right now it is like the electoral vote for president, a few people decide for the majority. Please people, get out and vote in all elections so that your voice can be heard. Don't let only a few dictate the results for everyone.

