Saturday, October 05, 2024

TEACHERS: They aren't the enemy

| March 11, 2011 9:00 PM

How did our country get to the point where we are attacking teachers and public employees while the men and women that head the banks and large financial institutions that drove our country to the financial rim continues to flourish? When we cut teachers salaries whether it is in Idaho or Wisconsin we are essentially taxing teachers and public employees to balance our budgets while the top 2 percent get more tax cuts.

Some signs at the teachers rally refer to Luna-cy and it is. Our educational system is the most important resource we have to create the jobs of the future. I am for technology as much as anyone but a computer is not anything but a tool that doesn't approach a good teacher. I believe we haven't found solutions to our funding problems with education because education is not important to our legislators. They say you can tell a nation's priorities by its budgets. Instead our legislators spend their time screwing around with social issues that don't create one job or solve one problem.

I received an Idaho education through college that allowed me to compete with peers from the best schools in the country so I know it can be done. So get the teachers involved in the planning for the education/schools of the future and get them the resources they need to meet the challenges. Our legislators and Raul Labrador need to understand they represent Independents and Democrats as well as Tea Party people and the Koch Brothers.

