REFORM: Unions big part of problem
OK, I've had it with these Teachers Unions and the teachers who belong to them. These teachers are being led around by the nose by union leaders who could care less about those of us who pay taxes that pay their wages.
I would think that with all of their book learning they'd be able to understand what the word broke means. Let me spell it out for you again. WE ARE BROKE! Every community, every country, and this state can't afford anymore of what you want, or even afford what you have now.
Others, including my family have taken cuts over these past two years, and listen Union Leaders, are you listening? WE PAY YOUR WAGES!
Not one of you have said you'd take cuts, do with less, teach bigger classes, or anything else, that would help us, who pay your wages.
When I grew up we didn't need things like kindergarten, and we could get by without them now. There is much more that could be done, that would help. We had 35-45 kids in class, and it must have been workable, or this country would not have come this far.
I, for one, am glad we have people like Tom Luna, who is trying hard to help us, the people who pay your wages. We're taking cuts, you take them too!
I have an idea that would work. Try this; and pay all public servants, including teachers, the way we pay our military. I put 20 years in the Navy, and it worked, without Unions, The right way, and the fair way for all of those in the country who paid our wages.
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