LEVY: Vote yes times two
Community support for our schools has been strong in the past, and in return the community has received quality schools with caring teachers. Unfortunately, a vocal dissatisfied group would like everyone to believe otherwise. Unsubstantiated facts are repeated so many times they become hard to ignore. Mr. Westgate recently asked for facts why anyone would support the upcoming levy, because none were available. This despite the fact the school district has a fact sheet available on paper and online. Maybe some would find this information unreliable since it was prepared by the district. Because Mr. Lovlyn in his letter said the facts were not clear, The Press ran a front-page article, School Taxes 101, with the facts from their investigation. This article clearly explained where the levy money will go, how much it will cost a homeowner and what we will lose if the levies do not pass. Included in their conclusion was the fact our district has some of the lowest school taxes in the entire state.
Demands to tighten belts have been heeded, larger classroom sizes, staff reductions and building budgets have been cut. To expect even more in this climate of distrust, this small group strives to create, is not going to provide the educational quality we have experienced in the past and that will be crucial for our future.
Does anyone really believe a teacher can create the same learning environment for a class of 35-plus as they once did for 25? In the future, why will anyone want to teach in a community/state/country that chooses to show such disrespect for the profession. If lack of support becomes the norm, ultimately, the quality of the educational system will decline, people will leave our community, businesses will relocate and property values will plummet. The saddest part will be the undereducated populace that will go forward into adulthood.
Please continue to support the Coeur d'Alene School District because they are proving themselves to be fiscally responsible and at the same time providing a quality education by voting yes on both levies.
Dalton Gardens