Thursday, March 06, 2025

LEVY: Taxpayers, time to say no

| March 6, 2011 9:00 PM

This is starting to sound like the never-ending story! My wife and I attended Hazel Bauman's meetings on special levies. She asked us why we were against more levies. Because paying for them always falls on the property taxpayer and also the renters, for their rent will increase. I say enough is enough!

Our small lot 3.5 miles east of Coeur d'Alene in 1976 was assessed at a value of $36,000. Because of recession or depression, the assessed value went from a high of $800,000 to $665,466 minus homestead exemption to only $564,313. The federal government is finally broke, along with all but five states. The states declare bankruptcy one by one, along with counties, cities and boroughs. The working men and women who have lost so much are still losing their jobs, homes and any benefits they once had.

We have read that the commission's recommendations to try to hold school costs down were all but ignored, and that 85 percent of the two levies will not go "to the children," but to salaries and perks in the school district. Please, parents of all students: The people of North Idaho have been taxed to death. At this point which is more important to you parents, a warm roof, stable job and what stability we have left, or another huge and another and another tax increase in property taxes?

If we vote this in there will be more levies in the near future before the ink is even dried on this one. If you really want to help your children tell the Republican Party: One, stick the right to work up where the sun does not shine. Two: Change the way in the Legislature on how property is being taxed.


Coeur d'Alene