Thursday, March 06, 2025

WARMING: Where is the truth?

| March 4, 2011 9:00 PM

Now that "Cliff Harris Bashing" has become a fashionable cottage industry in our community, one has no choice but to ask: "Who is telling the truth?" Since neither side of the debate has made claims that they are involved in fundamental research and are presenting data which they themselves have discovered, it must be presumed that they are merely reporting on the data and opinions put forward by other researchers or reporters.

If that is the case, the choice of one's sources makes all the difference in formulating an opinion.

Mr. Harris has a long standing reputation for being a reliable climatologist. While he does not always furnish sources for his assertions, he has done so often enough for me to believe that they are equally reliable. (I have checked those that were provided.)

On the other hand, the "Global Warming Alarmists" who are prone to attack him have seldom furnished information about their sources and have not provided any credentials that indicate that they can be regarded as authorities on the subject.

Contrary to the information presented by the "Alarmists," there is no recognizable consensus among reputable scientists that mankind is responsible for the reported warming that has occurred during the 20th century. The purpose of this letter is to inform interested readers that a group of scientists has recently sent a letter to the U.S. Congress disputing the claims of the "Alarmists." This letter is dated Feb. 8, 2011, and is titled: "The Truth About Climate Change." This letter is available for review and downloading at:

Anyone who is serious about understanding the Global Warming debate is encouraged to obtain a copy of this letter.


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