Sunday, October 13, 2024

REFORM: Out of touch

| March 4, 2011 9:00 PM

I can't be quiet any longer about the legislation that Tom Luna is trying to pull over our heads! Are you aware that he has NEVER been a teacher, principal or superintendent? What does he know about education? He got his degree online in weights and measures. He wants to run the education of our children as if they are a part being assembled on an assembly line! In November he praised our state's educational system! It's no surprise, after being re-elected, he now wants to cut! Lately, I have read letters from people stating their own educational experiences. We can't compare today's world to past decades. Kindergarten may have been child care way back when, but it's NOT NOW! Many states have full-day kindergarten because research shows how important a good foundation is. There are specific reading skills that are expected to be in place. If he removes kindergarten, we will receive kindergartners as first-graders! This important time is not made up, it's just gone! Our students will be behind neighboring states' students.

Laptops for ninth-graders? Who's going to maintain them? What happens when they're lost, broken or stolen? Who's going to be the teacher behind the scene? What happened to discussions and learning from others? I don't think most high-schoolers are ready to manage their online class time and actually complete classes as rapidly as they would when required to attend class. Luna is completely out of touch with students and education! Let him know that!


Dalton Gardens