Sunday, January 05, 2025

Poll: CdA levy isn't going to pass

| March 4, 2011 5:42 AM

The polls at can be highly entertaining but they're not scientific. That's probably good news for Coeur d'Alene School District officials.

The most recent poll asked, How will you vote on the Coeur d'Alene school levy? The poll needs 50 percent plus one vote to be approved on Tuesday.

At, 58 percent of voters - 1,341 - said they will vote "no." Thirty-eight percent, or 883 voters, said they will support both parts of the levy (the first for $7.8 million a year for two years; the second, an additional $5 million a year for two years). And 4 percent, 90 votes, said they will vote "yes" for the $7.8 million portion but not the $5 million.

The Press will publish its recommendation on the levy on Sunday's Opinions page, along with letters to the editor supporting and opposing the levy.