FUNDING: Stop cuts, raise taxes
Representatives at the Capitol,
I realize that many of you believe your campaign promise to "not raise taxes" was popular and may have even won the position you hold now, but realistically not creating a revenue stream at this juncture is likened to a family learning they must lose their only mode of transportation, electricity or God forbid their home, simply because they don't have enough income.
This wouldn't be an outcome I would allow to happen as a home wage earner - I'D GO FIND MORE INCOME! I'd work another job, or sell something I'm no longer needing. I would not allow our vehicle to be lost as it would be a source for the income I do have coming in AND I certainly would not allow it to be lost but then just plan on taking a TAXI everyday and "pay for it later."
This is exactly what is being proposed with the Medicaid cuts and the "Luna plan." IDAHO will pay dearly later with much more costly services such as emergency care for someone who could have had preventative dental care. Or higher incarceration costs because class sizes are too large, or the quality teacher that was once HERE, in IDAHO, left for a better job somewhere else and the student that would have been helped drops out adding to the growing numbers of the working poor in this state.
EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU will sit in those seats in the Capitol Building making choices that could impact this GREAT STATE OF IDAHO for decades. We, as taxpayers and citizens, want responsible leadership. What we are witnessing is cold, ruthless and honestly infantile behavior. Here is the expectation from this voter: RAISE SALES TAX, SHIFT SCHOOLS BACK TO PROPERTY TAXES, RAISE TOBACCO, BEER & WINE TAXES AND RAISE THE INCOME TAX FOR THE UPPER WAGE INCOME EARNERS. This is a responsible, leadership action that will result in an Idaho community that demonstrates compassion, care and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY.
Thank you for your dedication and I trust the right decision will be made.