BUDGET: Wars are killing us
I realize that the states, including Idaho, are short of revenue. And of course so is the Federal government. Yet I don't like the ideas for bringing down the debt such as cancelling kindergarten and ending the support of NPR and PBS. I have a grandson in kindergarten who found it "awesome" from day one. I also read that early school years teach children self-control which determines to a large part whether they will get good jobs and be healthy as adults or end up sick and in jail. This self-control is easy for teachers to instill in young children; not so easy to teach to older kids.
I spend a good part of my day listening to news, talk and classical music on NPR. My grandchildren watch educational shows on PBS and I watch a great deal of public television. Shows such as Nova and the PBS Evening News are incredibly informative and interesting. I give as I can, but they need more than donations.
So how will we save money and support these good causes? What about the two wars we are fighting in the Middle East that seem to be doing us no good at all and cost us trillions? In fact they are leaving thousands of veterans maimed and/or suffering from PTSD. Soldiers are wearing more than 60 to 127 pounds of gear while fighting and running foot patrols in the desert. They are suffering terribly from arthritis and musculo-skeletal injuries at age 25 and given opiates to stop the pain. These do not always work at all yet they can lead to drug abuse among veterans. Many soldiers come from the lower classes and fight because jobs are scarce. Others are inspired by patriotism, but is it really worth the cost in lives, sanity and disability?
I propose we reinstate the draft and offer few exemptions. When the politicians' children and upper class young adults are forced to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, you'd better believe there will be a major look at how necessary these wars really are.
Coeur d'Alene