Sunday, October 06, 2024

LEVY: Why? Because it matters

| March 2, 2011 9:00 PM

On March 8, we are being asked to support the School District 271 levy. Without the success of this levy, there will still be teachers, students and buildings. Isn't that all we need? It doesn't really matter if the levy passes, right?

It matters that our children have Barb at the corner of Highway 95 keeping our children safe as they cross the street when walking to school or coming home.

It matters that our children have a library filled with books, and Beth the librarian is there to guide, encourage and provide access to the wealth of benefits a library has to offer.

It matters that our children are in a classroom with 30, not 35-plus children, with a teacher who has the time to give every child the attention they need.

It matters that Mrs. Bain is there for our children who struggle to read.

It matters when our children aren't feeling well, need to call home, require first aid or have lost a tooth that Shelli is there for them.

It matters that Jennifer is on the playground ensuring our children are kept safe at recess.

It matters that our children have a textbook to work from, safe playground equipment to play on, their own desk and the support in all these areas they deserve.

It DOES matter. Our children deserve the best, and voters have the ability to affect positive change in support of our children. Please vote yes twice on March 8.


Coeur d'Alene