Saturday, October 12, 2024

GRAFFITI: Don't let vandals rule

| June 15, 2011 10:00 PM

Dear Tank Vandals: I don’t know what you were thinking when you chose to vandalize the U.S. Army tank at the Post Falls American Legion, AND DURING THE WEEK WE ARE REMEMBERING THE 67TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE D-DAY INVASION ON JUNE 6, 1944. When I saw the photo in Thursday’s Press, I was saddened and angry, and let me tell you why…

My father was a 19-year-old lad who enlisted in the U.S. Army at the start of World War II. He was in the 38th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized), which was the tank unit that landed in Normandy six days after the D-Day invasion. The 38th Cavalry helped to free Paris. My Dad spent Christmas 1944 in a foxhole during the Battle of the Bulge. It was cold and their uniforms were not very warm. Our tanks weren’t as big, or as fast as the Germans, but our troops were determined to defeat Hitler. 

My Dad must have witnessed some horrible sights during World War II, although he didn’t talk about the war very often. He did share that a tank buddy had his head blown off by the Germans. The 38th Cavalry tank division liberated the town of Prestice, Czechoslovakia in May 1945, and the townspeople today still hold a parade every year to honor those brave soldiers of the 38th Cavalry. It seems that the folks who were rescued in Europe by our American soldiers have a lot more respect for our military than you do.

I don’t know who you are, or what your background is, but I am disgusted by your actions to deface that tank at the Post Falls American Legion. Our military deserves our respect and our gratitude, not vandalism on our war memorials. Vandalism of any kind seems is an act of cowardice. It’s not done in the public’s view. Marking “one’s turf” is like a dog peeing on a tree and saying to the other canines, “Hey this is my neighborhood, and this is MY tree!”  

Southern California is well known for their gangs and their graffiti “artists.” Everything from bridges, trains, buses, buildings and freeway signs is tagged. It’s a big expense to clean it up, and the taxpaying citizens of the community foot the bill. Here in North Idaho we are beginning to see more and more graffiti. Our community is much too beautiful to be marred by vandals. The police cannot be everywhere at once, so if you see something, SAY SOMETHING. Use those cell phones to snap a photo. Call the local authorities. Take back our town before we lose it. Together we can stop the vandals who want to destroy our community.


Post Falls