Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Reader: Why rush on trustee appointment?

| June 6, 2011 6:28 AM

 Today the Coeur d'Alene school board will meet, interview candidates for a soon to be open seat and then, if all goes as expected, name the successor. Do you agree or disagree with the sentiments of this writer?


Let me get this straight – the Idaho Code gives the School District Board of Trustees 90 days to fill a vacant trustee seat, but outgoing trustee Edie Brooks (with the willing cooperation of lame duck Stephanie Powers and the other trustees) is going to rush the process to appoint/anoint her own successor before the newly elected trustees take their seats on July 1st?  Friday’s Press quotes Edie: “It’s MY seat that’s being filled, and I really have an interest that someone who thinks close to I think takes my seat.” (sic) Sorry Ms. Brooks -- the trustee seat you will soon vacate is not YOUR property.  It belongs to the taxpayers.  You are resigning and leaving the district, and have no further interest.  The Idaho Code does NOT give YOU the authority to pick your own successor.  Ms. Brooks’ intent is transparent.  Unfortunately, this is not the sort of transparency the taxpayers recently voted for.  We ask the trustee board to reconsider, do the right thing and include the new trustees in the process. How can it hurt to advertise the upcoming trustee vacancy for a reasonable period to ensure we get the most qualified candidates to choose from? How can it hurt to include the new trustees in the process of selecting a new trustee they (not Edie) will be working with?


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