Sunday, October 13, 2024

BROOKS: Fare thee well, Edie

| June 3, 2011 10:00 PM

Over the years, I have certainly had my share of disagreements with both Edie and the other Trustees and have often expressed my objections, thoughts and concerns through various articles in The Press. Despite those differences, I have always, somewhat grudgingly, found a level of respect for Edie.

To her favor as a Trustee, she was a tireless worker and a tenacious individual when it came to pushing policy or programs she felt would benefit the school district. Right, wrong or indifferent, she stood firm in her beliefs.

Over the years, some people have expressed more than disdain for Edie, even to the point of alleging hatred toward her. Now there are those who have cheered her departure and have done so with similar expressions of hatred. Despite one's personal feelings as to her actions as a Trustee, such remarks, to say the least, were and are inappropriate.

I personally detest the use of that word and if people really understood its meaning, I doubt they would ever use it again, especially toward another person.

If you are glad over her resignation, then let it be because of your disagreements with her over her decisions as Trustee and not on a personal basis. No more "Edie bashing." Let her leave peacefully and out of common decency, it is the least we can do.

On a personal note, I offer the following to Edie:

Despite the differences, there was never hatred. I voiced my opinions and concerns openly for all to hear and respond to if they felt compelled to do so. But now, it is time to say goodbye.

Great poets have often spoken of the faults and differences of our brothers being written in the sands of time only to be wiped away by wafting breezes. I would hope that will ultimately be so with us.

Whatever road you may travel, I sincerely hope it is perpetually bathed in sunshine and that the years ahead bring you much peace and happiness.

God speed, Edie. God speed.


Coeur d'Alene