Tuesday, October 22, 2024

STEELE: Justice eludes this case

| June 1, 2011 10:00 PM

Attorney Edgar Steele is known as "Attorney for the Damned" because of his defense of the world's most politically incorrect clients. Aryan Nation's Richard Butler was one.

Edgar, with his Conspiracy Pen Pal website for all to see and hear is very much politically incorrect in most all his views as well, but that is not a criminal offense. Or is it?

Edgar was charged with plot to murder his wife and mother-in-law of 26 years for life insurance pay off and found guilty May 5 of all four counts. Copy of this insurance contract was of course entered into evidence, right? No? It did not even exist?

Biggest part of evidence government used to convict Edgar was audio recordings of Edgar allegedly plotting with FBI informant Larry Fairfax. To counter the defense had not just one but two expert witnesses to testify that the tapes were phony/contrived, but the judge ruled that the expert witnesses would just "confuse" the jury and would not be allowed to testify. Huh? In USA?

Doesn't that make the case very one sided? Doesn't due process require allowance of witnesses, especially expert ones?

Used to hear about tyrannical government of Communist East Germany with their Stasi "show trials" before the Berlin Wall came down in 1987. Is this not shades of the same?

At the very least this judge should step down and have a retrial. It is not just one life she has destroyed, but an entire family.

