Monday, September 30, 2024

Keep energy high to stay on the fast track

by Harvey Mackay
| July 31, 2011 9:00 PM

Consider what the average body does every 24 hours: Its heart beats 100,689 times. The blood travels 168 million miles. It breathes 23,040 times, inhaling 438 cubic feet of air. It consumes more than 3 pounds of food and about 3 quarts of liquid, and loses almost a pound of waste. It speaks 25,000 words. It moves 750 muscles. Nails grow .000046 of an inch, and hair .01714 of an inch. It exercises 7 million brain cells.

And you wonder why you are tired?

There is an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels or the price of oil. Millions of people get up each morning, already weary about what the day holds for them. They grab some coffee, rush out the door, fight traffic and arrive at work "ready" for another day. Seriously, it makes you tired just thinking about it.

But you have options.

I've been energetic all my life. I thrive on a busy schedule with plenty of challenges. I'm a kid at heart, and I don't see that changing. People grow old not because they work or play hard, but because they quit working and playing hard.

Successful people generally have lots of energy. They have a secret: They have learned to harness and focus their energy.

We're constantly inundated with advertisements for pills and drinks to boost our energy. Most are marketed to teen-agers and young adults. Nutritionists worry that many of these drinks, which are often full of caffeine and sugar, are dangerous. Yet energy drinks are a multibillion-dollar industry.

I'm not interested in an adrenaline rush or bounce-off-the-walls energy. I believe in a more natural energy boost, one that is achieved by being hardworking, focused and willing to put in whatever effort is necessary to achieve my goals.

But maintaining a high energy level all day, every day, can be difficult. Here are some simple ideas that will keep you going without resorting to pills, energy drinks or other dangerous options:

Wear bright colors. Projecting a positive, energetic attitude through your wardrobe can bring out enthusiasm and good spirits in others. A positive response from people around you will stimulate your own motivation. I always wear colorful ties and shirts.

Eat a power snack. A little chocolate can give you a slight endorphin buzz, along with a mild jolt of caffeine. When your energy flags in the afternoon, mixed nuts, dried fruits, granola, and/or yogurt can rejuvenate you. Check with a dietitian or trainer to select the best snacks.

Stretch and exercise. One good stretch when you're feeling tired is to roll up and down on your tiptoes a few times. This can get the circulatory system moving, sending oxygen and glucose through your body for a burst of energy. Light stretching and exercise help you stay on track.

Smell the citrus. Citrus scents such as lemon, grapefruit and lime can enhance alertness. I use a citrus room freshener in my office.

Drink water. Dehydration can sap your energy, so make sure you get plenty of water throughout the day. When you feel tired, splash cold water on your face to wake yourself up.

Change clothes. About halfway through the day, put on a fresh pair of socks. As crazy as it sounds, experts say it can make you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the day, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet. Many athletes change their uniforms at halftime to maintain their competitive edge. Entertainers trot out new looks to complement the mood of the song they're performing.

Don't shortchange your downtime. Get enough sleep so your body can recover. Mix up your routine. And remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - and the same holds true for Jill. Give yourself a break!

Mackay's Moral: The world's work is done every day by people who could have stayed in bed but didn't.

Harvey Mackay is the author of The New York Times No. 1 best seller "Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive." He can be reached through his website,, by e-mailing or by writing him at MackayMitchell Envelope Co., 2100 Elm St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414.