Sunday, October 06, 2024

SCHOOLS: Critics need more insight

| July 22, 2011 10:00 PM

This letter is in response to Missy Brum's opinion letter posted on Sunday, July 18, "Education: Otter wrong to cut budget."

I agree wholeheartedly with Ms. Brum that our state should support education much, much more than it has, past and present. Our state is actually ranked very close to the bottom nationwide when it comes to financial support for education. What I take issue with is the comment directed toward Coeur d'Alene School District 271. She states that "School District 271 wants to cut $6 million and take away just about everything from the kids."

I work at the district office, and TRUST ME when I tell you that NO ONE WANTS to take anything away from our kids. I have two children currently going to school in this district, so as a parent, I am concerned with what is happening. But I also see the other side of the equation, and it is not good. Our administration is in a very tough position and no matter what decisions they make and no matter where cuts are made, there are going to be people affected. But the one comment I keep hearing from our administration is that "our students will come first."

You are obviously upset that the district is looking at making cuts to athletics and activities, but they are NOT talking about getting rid of these programs altogether. Funds can be raised in other ways if we get creative. What really bothers me is that I have not seen one opinion letter to date that is concerned about any educational cuts. When I went to school it was about getting a good education, learning the three R's (writing, reading and arithmetic) so that I could go on to higher education and better myself for my future. I played sports, as well, but it was not the primary reason I went on to college. If you look at the statistics, I am sure you will note that only a handful of high school students go on to college with athletic scholarships. What about the majority of high school students? They get into college on their academic merits. Let's not forget the real reason our children go to school: to get an education.

With our current economic downturn, School District 271 has some very difficult decisions to make. I commend our administration for being as proactive as they have and for being so open to the public about our situation. We all need to take responsibility for our children's future: our community, teachers and especially parents.

Please Ms. Brum, before commenting on an issue, make sure you have done your homework and have all of the facts. Comments such as this one only stir emotions, but solve nothing. Maybe you would like to offer up a solution for where we can come up with $800,000 to fund our athletics and activities?


Coeur d'Alene