Saturday, May 04, 2024

GREED: Has noose around the world

| January 28, 2011 4:59 AM

They have a noose around the whole world. There are some others also that are controlling our beautiful world, such as it is with all the dissatisfaction, wars and violence. The big problem is as of all time - greed. One home one is seeing million dollar celebrities and sports people endorsing stuff on TV and magazines. If that isn't greed, what is it?

To change the subject there are many jet propelled ships and planes around the world. Nuclear power: Isn't it something that we can' have nuclear powered vehicles?

Big oil: Fifty years ago in north Oregon - Eugene, I think - a farmer developed a way to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen in a way to run his tractor. As it was published in the paper, his whole family disappeared. The oil companies relocated them somewhere. Anything to keep the oil flowing. Recently I heard on the news that the U.S. is exporting more oil than we use.

Something has to be done all over the world.


Dalton Gardens