Saturday, May 04, 2024

McEUEN: Public must take organized action

| January 26, 2011 9:00 PM

Twenty years ago politicians and business interests tried to sell off and develop undeveloped cemetery land across Lincoln Way to the west of Forest Cemetery. Members of the cemetery committee, Mrs. Betty Stone and Mrs. Peg Kelly, discovered if they could get enough signatures on a petition a public vote on land could be forced. They threatened and the interests backed down.

Ten years ago Kootenai County commissioners closed recording of documents at 3:30 p.m. to aid business interests, rather than 5 p.m. as people of Kootenai demanded. All three were voted out of office.

Five years ago city leaders tried to turn Mae McEuen Field into a memorial flower garden by getting rid of softball, Legion hardball, boat ramp and children's swings. Coeur d'Alene voters said, "No! No! No!"

What are we going to do? Force a public vote on land use? Demand no decision made by council until after the next City Council election? Have a public rally? Hand out flyers?

It's your baseball fields, your boat ramp, your decision to respectfully fight for yourself, your children, and your community's future.


Coeur d'Alene