Saturday, May 04, 2024

Hart fight is one for freedom

| January 8, 2011 8:00 PM

It's time the record be set straight regarding the Phil Hart controversy. Judging from the litany and content of criticisms leveled at Hart, it's apparent that his detractors (aka sore losers at the ballot box last May and November) have orchestrated a "shakedown" designed to end his political career. That would be a shame, as he is one of the most courageous, knowledgeable, and self-sacrificing people I've ever met.

I've known Hart for 12 years, and would entrust him with the raising of my children, the keys to my house and car, passwords to online banking sites, and more. The last straw for me was Opsal's guest opinion in the Dec. 17 issue of The Press. I seriously doubt that Opsal did the homework required to comment on everything he did. I suspect he is a stooge for Hart's detractors and was fed the content.

What's the point in bringing up a 14-year-old timber matter? Hart went to court because he thought he had the better legal argument. It was a civil case. Regarding the silver matter, when that company was created it provided full disclosure to United States Mint, the Secret Service, the Federal Reserve, and the United States Treasury. Each of these agencies responded in writing that they had no problem with the proposed venture. They operated within the confines of their disclosure, the relevant laws and the UCC. What they did wrong was become too successful, and the Federal Reserve didn't want the competition.

The BIG deal, of course, is the tax matter. Before anyone criticizes Hart, they need to read his book ( I was a beta reader of the pre-published version, and confirmed its claims with my own research. Another scholarly work all should read is Sam Bryant's "Income Tax Causes Crime." It's obvious that Hart's detractors have not done the homework he has. Hart's entire objective with the tax and silver issues is to free YOU from economic slavery, and re-establish a sound money system. He is pouring his heart and soul into preventing a likely economic train-wreck that is sure to occur if we don't smarten up and get control of the printing presses and unsustainable levels of taxation and regulation.

The media likes to ignore the fact that the lion's share of tax liens against Hart are based on a trumped up audit report of eight years of his returns where Hart was not even allowed to deduct the cost of a postage stamp, even though he is an engineer in private practice. For these eight years, Hart was allowed zero business deductions. This was retaliation against Hart for not turning over to the government the names of the people who bought his book.

He stood in the gap for his readers' First Amendment rights and has personally suffered for it. Do the sore losers who are orchestrating this smear campaign against Hart have this kind of courage?

Hart's detractors are little more than bitter political hacks and good 'ol boys that the voters dumped this past year. At a recent staged anti-Hart event that The Press reported on, 3 of the 5 attendees were losers in this past year's Legislative District 3 election.

All the while, the Republican Party grassroots support Hart, as they know him personally and are familiar with the relevant facts. Both the Boundary County and Benewah County Republican Party Central Committees have passed resolutions supporting Hart. So has the Legislative District 1 Committee, and the Region One Central Committee which represents the five northern counties. There are three more committees with resolutions pending to support Hart. All are expected to pass.

The reader should take nothing said about Hart, positive or negative, at face value. Do your homework. "For lack of knowledge my people perish." - Hosea 4:6.

Scott Grunsted is a resident of Hayden.