Saturday, May 04, 2024

HART: Why is he still in office?

| January 7, 2011 4:46 AM

I am perplexed and hope that some of you might be able to help me understand what is going on. I know we are a values-oriented community. We hold some principles, or moral values, in high regard and try to live them to the best of our ability. Thousands attend the many churches that dot our landscape. I suspect that most of us can recite the Ten Commandments.

Yet several thousand citizens voted for Phil Hart, who openly defied the commandment "Thou shalt not steal." He took from public lands timber that is supposed to remain in trust to support the education of our children and grandchildren. If we were to follow his example and take our share of timber from public lands, what would be left of that trust for our children's education? If you or I were to follow his example, we'd be taken to court, have to repay the cost of the timber, with interest, and have a felony conviction forever on our records. Some are lauding his contrarian independence and support his remaining in office in spite of the fact that he is really guilty of theft. Furthermore, his not paying his full proportion of taxes and continually fighting in court require the rest of us to shoulder a larger part of the burden of paying for legitimate government services and obligations.

I applaud those who have recognized the hypocrisy and error Mr. Hart's actions and have called for his censure. But what have I been missing in this whole sordid situation: When, as a community, did we decide that stealing is OK for public officials and not raise an unmistakable public outcry? When did we decide to reward the criminal with the privilege of serving in our state legislature where we expect our elected official to do the right thing and act in the best interests of our state and its citizens? Mr. Hart should, at least, quit minimizing and justifying his actions. At most, he should take the most honorable action: Resign. I call for his resignation.

