Saturday, May 04, 2024

Power mobility vs. manual mobility

by Michael Deroise-Drye A.T.P.
| January 5, 2011 8:00 PM

When having difficulty ambulating in your home, and other assistive devices such as canes and walkers can no longer solve your defect, you have a very important choice. Do you choose a manual or a power wheelchair?

Manual wheelchairs need to be evaluated before Power Wheelchairs by Medicare's guidelines. They are easy to transport and come in a wide array of sizes and configurations to meet one's lost function. Manual wheelchairs require the functional and cogitative ability to propel. They have been known to cause repetitive strain injuries with prolonged use.

Power mobility devices such as scooters and power chairs are last in Medicare's sequence of events. You have to have an inability to functionally operate all other assistive devices to for a power assistive device to be considered. They offer great maneuverability for indoor use, and durability and functionality for outdoor use as well. Power Wheelchairs can also be modified as one makes progress. They are controlled by a joystick in most cases but can offer specialty controls such as a head array, or sip-in-puff controls for those with limited or no control of their extremities.

Mobility equipment is a wonderful tool to help complete your (or your loved ones) mobility related activities of daily living.

If you are interested in finding out more about blue tooth and inferred, or any other mobility needs you might have, please feel free to contact Mike with American Seating & Mobility at (877) 339-1234.