Wednesday, October 09, 2024

TEACHERS: Praise community heroes

| February 25, 2011 9:00 PM

The Idaho legislature and Tom Luna are not being honest about our school funding and budget.

They cut $120 million from local schools then just throw in a levy and raise property taxes to make up for it... and, as everyone knows, Superintendent Bauman has never met a levy she doesn't like.

The balancing of our state budget is coming from increased taxes on property owners and deep cuts in your kids' education... it's like borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and then turning back around and taxing Peter for the privilege. This is a one party state; any problems with our budget or education falls with the Republicans, not the public unions or teachers.

Republicans nationwide are attacking public employees. These employees include our policemen who risk their lives daily. The firefighters who put your well being ahead of their own.

The nurses who work the midnight emergency room to care for you when you're at your most vulnerable.

The teachers who no matter how bad the funding teach our kids and say today I'm making a difference.

These people are the heroes of our community, as well as the foundation and the bedrock. They should be praised and thanked for their hard work and courage, not blamed.

The legislation proposed to break up our education system is vile. It's too late for Idaho, the conservative die is cast.

Maybe someday future voters will look at the wreckage that is Idaho's education and family system and say no more. I am used to the Republicans selling out their own religion and Christ's teachings for ideology so it comes as no surprise that they're also willing to sell out their own kids for that same ideological point...


Coeur d'Alene