Saturday, October 05, 2024

Opinion: Teachers union suit 'inappropriate'

| February 17, 2011 5:30 AM

Kootenai School District students have a long history of excellence in academics and athletics, dating back to the time that Rose Lake and Harrison School Districts first consolidated.  Our test scores have consistently been among the best in the region, our dollars-per-student amount when scholarships are awarded each spring is clearly far above other schools in the area, and the number of Kootenai graduates who have gone on to receive post secondary degrees and certificates is appreciably higher than in other schools.  We are proud of our history, our district, and the unique conditions here that enable this kind of quality.

Historically this community has been exceedingly supportive of a wide range of district projects, evidenced in the continual over-ride levy support, the new high school and gymnasium, the new elementary and multi-purpose, and the junior high building renovations.  Our new all-season track, the bathroom and concession area at the track, and the new playground equipment are also reminders of the relationship between the school and our community.

We believe, however, that recent events have adversely affected that relationship, and threaten to overshadow the reputation for excellence that Kootenai has established.  The lawsuit against the district put forth by the Kootenai Education Association has taken the spotlight away from all of the good work done by all of us:  teachers, employees, administrators, students, board, and community.

Those of us who are not members of the Kootenai Education Association (KEA), both certificated and non-certificated staff, felt strongly from the beginning that this lawsuit was inappropriate.  We believe that our district needs to work together to get through the current financial crisis faced by the state, and in fact, by the nation.  We understand that our entire area has been hard hit by the economic climate, and we do not expect that we should be immune to that.  We accepted our contracts, with furlough days, and expected that we would continue to pull together, making sacrifices along the way to ensure that our school and our students suffered as little as possible, while we all worked through the new financial reality.  Initially we tried to put our concerns about the lawsuit and its likely repercussions on paper, and we requested a meeting with our KEA coworkers to express to them our concerns about the lawsuit.  Only when all of those attempts failed to show any progress did we feel the need to distance ourselves publicly.

This belief is bred not from any anti-union sentiment, or political agenda.  It is simply a deeply held belief that for our school district, this legal action is wrong.  We have long been supportive of our KEA, and very much appreciate the work they have done.  We do not presume to address who is “right” or who is “wrong” from a legal standpoint.  We view it as not relevant.  What is relevant is that we all move forward, doing the best work that we can do for our students, supporting one another in that work, and maintaining the quality programs that we all value.

The overwhelming majority of teachers and support staff here at Kootenai School District, most of whom have taught in other districts prior to coming here, tend to agree that this a wonderful district, a great place to teach and work, a great place to have their own children in school, and a great community in general.  Our smaller class sizes, above average academic standards, and higher level of accountability allowed by our unique situation have given us many of the desirable attributes often found in private schools, with the accessibility of a public school.

In light of the current economic situation and the realization that these are difficult times for everyone, we, the undersigned teachers, have decided that we will not accept any money from the lawsuit that we stand firmly against, should the KEA in fact win that legal action.  We feel grateful, even blessed, to have jobs during these tough economic times, and want to do our part to ensure that the taxpayers and students of Kootenai School District are getting our best efforts each and every day.  We signed our 2010/11 contracts in good faith, and we gladly accept the furlough days that we see as being a small part of the sacrifices we are all going to have to make to get through this.

Again, if the Kootenai Education Association were to win the lawsuit against the Kootenai School District, we will not accept any compensation from that suit, and will designate that it be put back into the general fund to benefit our student programs, not our salaries.  We are a part of this community, and we believe that we work and live in a special place.  We recognize that we are not perfect, and we can do an even better job of educating and serving our young people, and we look forward to continued opportunities to do so, and to maintain and improve that history of excellence that defines Kootenai School District.

Kevin Kincheloe

Andrew Whipple

Anna Whipple

Rene Barros

Mike Lafountaine

Shannon Lafountaine

Channa Hei

Cindy Shannon

Jessica Hammond

Doug Napierala

Alisha McDevitt

Cheryl Richardson

Susan Ealey

Bob Dionne

Gala Muench

Patty Carlson

Carl Carlson

Chris Taylor

Holly Day

Sue Goodson

Dan Wall