Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Stop the insanity

by Dr. Amy Spoelstra
| February 10, 2011 8:00 PM

There is a funny quote that I like to reference from time to time by Albert Einstein. He is quoted as saying the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

There is a bit of Einstein's quotation in the way most of us are going about healthcare these days. Many of us consider ourselves healthy right up until the point when we get sick. Oddly enough, once we are sick we depend on "healthcare" to get us back on our feet. Does that really sound like the right term to use?

What happens if we stop getting sick so often, stop feeling tired, and halt those aches and pains in their tracks? What happens if we rely less on healthcare and just, well, feel healthy!

That's what chiropractic care is about and it is a definite shift in the way people look at health. Your body is a well oiled machine that is communicating millions of electrical messages a second. When you get a paper cut on your hand, it is your body that mends that cut from the inside out. When you break your arm, is it the cast that mends your bones back together?

No. These things are accomplished by the magnificent machinery of your body. Your body is made to heal, made to fight off illness, and made to carry you through whatever obstacle is before you. It is not a natural thing to forever shift back and forth from sick to healthy using pills and serums that trick your body into feeling better then it did before you took those things.

Chiropractic care is about assisting your internal functions so that they can operate in an optimal way. I can't tell you how many people come into our office and tell me they have been reading these articles for months or even years before paying a visit. Stop the insanity! You are not meant to go from sick to healthy to sick to healthy. You are meant to be healthy...period.

All of your internal systems are on a mission to keep you as healthy as you can be. Chiropractic care can help you maximize those systems by correcting the spinal misalignments that degrade your brains ability to communicate with every organ, tissue, and cell.

The concept is simple, but the impact can be life changing!

If you are ready to make a change or would like to learn more about how chiropractic care can improve your life please visit our website at www.cdahealth.com or give us a call at (208) 667-7434.