Saturday, September 28, 2024

HART: Editor smears character

| February 9, 2011 5:34 AM

The undertone of Editor Patrick's personal episode in the Feb. 2 issue would seem to emphasize his long obvious feelings toward Phil Hart. The words, "Character Assassination" come to mind and I question the promiscuous paradigm of thought that is perniciously used to drive the final nails in Mr. Hart's coffin. I will concede that an editor of a newspaper certainly has every right to his opinion, but I question the pretentiousness of his position to divulge that opinion by way of the lead column for the day. Over many years of attempted writing for a number of newspapers, I am sure that on more than one occasion my profound attempts were oftentimes scrutinized by a wary editor whose personal opinions might have run counter-clockwise to mine. At times I met intense public criticism, but never at the hands of a talented editor!

Now that we are intimately aware of Mr. Patrick's opinion of Mr. Hart, perhaps we might indulge in a couple of "pros and cons" that seem to be of a prominent feature in making a determination of Phil Hart's character. I will confess that I have only met Phil and have visited with him briefly, but during those minor contacts, I was immediately impressed with his profound knowledge of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. With the intense research and time that he has devoted to this study, I am somewhat perturbed that he is content with the provisions of his book as a defiant position involving the Internal Revenue Service. Time and conscience have taught me over my many years of study and research that if you are intent on solving a problem, you must first make a thorough examination of the source of the issue at hand. In the matter of Phil's involvement with agency IRS it is imperative that he would recognize the fallacy and impropriety under which this ill-conceived agency was contrived in several years prior to 1913. Further congressional action in that infamous year resulted in the creation of a central bank, the Federal Reserve, which is no more federal than Aunt Jemima's pancake mix. With its collection arm well in place, this duo was now poised to control the monetary system that had made our country the envy of the free world. This combination of degenerate principals that totally dominate our financial middle class citizens have now succeeded in creating capital debt that exceeds the visionary capacity of the human mind. And to think - it was all done by combining ink and paper to produce the innocent fiat note! Monetary experts now inform us that we have two avenues of escape from this rapidly approaching financial doomsday, (1) declare immediate bankruptcy or (2) through the process of rapid fire deflation to let about 90 percent of the air out of the remaining fraud Federal Reserve Note.

Phil Hart's book, "Constitutional Income, Do You Have Any" is "Penny Ante" (card game us old guys played) stuff in comparison to the approaching "day of reckoning" that is about to be played out on our stage of pre-destined, monetary history. The answer to Phil's dilemma will not be found in the confusing statutes of the IRS. It is imperative that he and his Idaho colleagues confront this convoluted dynasty of cops and robbers, (IRS and Federal Reserve) if there is to be any degree of physical survival for those who might remain.


Dalton Gardens