Sunday, October 13, 2024

FIRED: Captain of this ship must go

| December 9, 2011 8:00 PM

Someone has said, "If decency does not abide in the Captain, then it is absent from the ship."

Some time ago one of the best, most diversified companies in the world was reviewing a deluge of applications for a position to potentially replace their CEO. As submitted, one resume was outstanding. That person claimed vast experience, exceptional intelligence and it was agreed that this person should be interviewed. At the interview the applicant had overwhelming charisma, was almost too confident, but convinced those interviewing him that he was the answer to their long search.

At first the company thought that they had certainly made the right choice but, as time passed, it was realized that the great claims made on his resume were but a ruse and it became apparent that he was at best only a buffoon and imposter. Things only worsened as time passed. Finally, he was called to a meeting with the board that had hired him. The scenario went like this:

"We have called this meeting to inform you that we are discharging you effective immediately!" the spokesman said. The employee in whom they had placed their hopes replied, "You are just firing me because I am black" and went on a long tirade, reading from many pages of a script which he had prepared in case the occasion should happen. Eventually he stopped his condemning speech in which he placed the blame on the board.

The spokesman for the company calmly spoke, saying, "Our company did not ask that those applying for our position give their age, sex or race. Our interest was to seek the best, most qualified person for this very important position. Whether that person was male or female, white, black, brown, red or any other color, was given no consideration. The truth is, Sir, that your performance can only be called a disaster.

"Your actions, or lack of them, has caused our company great damage and loss, such that it will take years to regain the trust of many of our clients and consumers. At the outset you knew that our company's policies were based on characteristics including, but not limited to, honesty, fairness, self-control, respect for differences, faith in your company and others, and a sense of humility.

"You have shown that you are dishonest, lying, deceitful, dividing all people groups, becoming quickly angry, denigrating our customers and your fellow workers, and being seditious, selfish and promoting heresies about our company even though you swore to follow our company's policies.

"Simply put, Sir, you are incompetent, adolescent and worse than useless. You may stop by the desk to pick up your severance pay. Good day, sir."

The United States is that company. Would to God we could rid ourselves easily of all of those in Washington who act out of selfish or down-right traitorous motives. General Washington would have had Benedict Arnold court-martialed and shot at sunrise if he had caught him. Life was simple then, but the punishment was effective and swift.

One of the greatest writers in history, Leo Tolstoy, wrote, "THERE IS NO GREATNESS WHERE SIMPLICITY, GOODNESS AND TRUTH ARE ABSENT."


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