Saturday, September 28, 2024

Farm allergies: Have your spine checked

by Dr. Amy Spoelstra
| August 10, 2011 9:00 PM

We've all seen the hay being cut in the fields and the hazy days that signal copious amounts of pollen in the air. To most of us, this signals that summer is in full swing.

For a majority of others, it means something not quite as enjoyable - allergies. Depending on what type of pollen, dust or spore you're more reactive to, misery can last anywhere from first sign of spring right up to the first frost. Some reactions can be so severe they can lead to headaches, fever and even infections.

To most, it would seem a forgone event, a ritual they are resigned to go through annually. Antihistamines, decongestants and corticosteroid sprays are some of the conventional methods that people will use to control their reactions but these only serve to treat the symptoms, not the root cause of the problem.

Our body's primary defense is our immune systems, and this is responsible for recognizing foreign invaders in the body which could potentially lead to disease or infections and effectively neutralize the problem. In a person who has allergies, their immune system makes a mistake; it misinterprets a benign substance as a potential threat, and attacks the substance with a vigor and ferocity that's far greater than required. Our defense cells trigger an overabundance of histamine. This overabundance can lead to the symptoms that many people experience during an allergic reaction, i.e. stuffy nose, runny eyes, asthma, etc. That is where our antihistamine solution, the over the counter medications, usually steps in. If we treat ourselves with these antihistamines, we are actually not treating the cause of our allergic reaction; rather we are fighting our own bodies' natural, albeit over exuberant, defense system.

Although it is sometimes necessary to treat the symptoms, our focus with chiropractic is to maintain the proper function of our immune system, which is controlled by our nervous system. In order to keep our immune system working its best, chiropractors look for the interference in the nervous system. The nerves enter and exit the spinal column so if a nerve is not able to get the messages to the brain and then throughout the rest of the body, it could be caused by a bone in the spine that is out of alignment and is hindering that nerve. A chiropractor is able to detect where this misalignment is and can treat this by using adjustments of the bone that is causing the problem. We can keep our nervous system healthy which in turn may aid with many health issues including allergies. Have your spine checked today to help you live a more active, healthy life... even during allergy season!

To learn more about allergies and how to keep your body as healthy as your garden, you can visit us at, find us on Facebook, call us at (208) 667-7434 or visit us at our office at 370 E. Kathleen Ave., Suite 600, Coeur d'Alene.