Sunday, October 06, 2024

The garden doesn't need to causeaches, pains

by Dr. Amy Spoelstra
| August 3, 2011 9:00 PM

As we really get going into the heat of summer, many of us backyard gardeners are finally reaping some benefits for our efforts, and are feeling the effects of those efforts as well! Just as we spend countless hours toiling away, taking care to remove the weeds and pests so our plants can flourish and give us an enjoyable harvest to nurture our bodies, so too must we take care to nurture ourselves from the inside out.

Think about how many hours are spent bent over or crouched down to get those endless weeds. If you're like me with no permanent watering system installed, hauling the hose around to make sure no plant is left parched can also be difficult on the body. How many of us often straighten up at the end of that long row to stretch our back and rub our cramped neck? How many feel the stiffness in our shoulders from wrestling the unyielding hose back into neat coils? All these stressors, in combination with our other daily routines, are like weeds in the garden if left untended. Everything looks fine until one day you walk out and you swear a jungle has managed to appear overnight and take over your garden!

Each day spent in unnatural, crouched positions and carrying heavy loads compounds over time and can lead to subluxations and misalignments within the spinal column. This is going to impair the function of the nervous system. Does this mean we should lead sedentary lives and gather our produce from the store? Absolutely not! Do you forego tasty treats simply because they have the potential to cause cavities? Certainly not! You just make sure to brush your teeth twice a day to help prevent such problems from occurring. The same is true for your spine; regular checks and adjustments help your spine cope with the demanding positions we sometimes put it through and keeps it working in the proper condition.

To learn more about how to keep your body as healthy as your garden, call us at (208) 667-7434 or visit us at our office at 370 E. Kathleen Ave., Suite 600, Coeur d'Alene.

You can also find more information on our website at and on Facebook.