Tuesday, October 15, 2024

USA: Land of opportunity?

| April 29, 2011 10:00 PM

This country was founded on the belief that America was a place you could come and work to create the life you wanted for yourself and your family. Now it has become the land of opportunity where you can come here illegally and reap the benefits of the working citizens.

I believe it was Will Rogers who said "A democracy ceases to exist when you take from the people who work and give to those that won't."

Our elected officials take our hard earned taxes, then take away benefits from the U.S. citizens so they can give billions of dollars in services to people who have never paid a dime in taxes.

How can we balance the budget while still providing for our citizens?

1) Stop paying for free health care and interpreters for those who do not pay taxes.

2) Stop providing free education for anyone who is not a citizen.

3) Stop loaning money we don't have to countries who don't like us, criticize us and don't pay it back.

Yes, this country is made up of many different cultures, and races and was founded on the belief that everyone was welcome to come here and work toward a better life. It still is. Many have done just that - they work and pay taxes and do have a better life and are entitled to reap the benefits of what they have worked for. BUT - if you are an American taxpaying citizen your Social Security, Medicare and services for the elderly and disabled are being taken away. You can't afford health care so you do without. You can't afford to send your children to college for higher education. Many K-12 schools are doing without books and decent buildings. Many of our children are hungry and have inadequate housing. Why? So our congressmen and women can provide free services for the people from other countries.

It's time to put Americans first!

