Thursday, October 10, 2024

SESSION: Congrats to our legislators

| April 8, 2011 10:00 PM

After a long, and very stressful 2011 legislative session, it is appropriate to offer our legislators our sincere congratulations for a job well done. After years of merely talking about making changes to Idaho's public schools, the Legislature went into action and made a difference for Idaho school children. They did so despite intense opposition from the defenders of the status quo - the teachers' union, which used our schools as their bully pulpit, and conned school students into believing the Legislature was out to dismantle public education.

Because there have been many changes in the legislation from "start to finish," it is appropriate to review what actually transpired. All of the provisions in the legislation will enhance the most important ingredient for school improvement: to have a great teacher in every Idaho classroom! Specifically, what are those provisions?

• Restores and raises the base teacher salary to $30,000

• Provides extra teacher compensation for teachers who teach in hard to fill positions

• Provides extra compensation for teachers who assume leadership roles

• Provides extra compensation for all teachers when their school's students attain high achievement levels

• Provides extra compensation for individual teachers whose students meet high academic standards

• Retains "tenure" for those teachers who have already received it

• Eliminates "tenure" only for new teachers entering the profession

• Retains collective bargaining for matters pertaining to salary and benefits

• Retains the right of school boards to have policies in regard to such items as grievance procedures, preparation time, extra duties, etc.

• Requires that all collective bargaining sessions be held in a public setting

• Requires that school boards be totally "transparent" with their fiscal affairs so that all will know how much money is spent on the primary mission of schools, "teaching and learning"

• Requires that teachers' and principals' evaluations be partially based upon the "job" they are hired to do, having students learn what is intended

• Provides for colleges and universities to sponsor charter schools.

• Provides for more technology equipment for teachers

• Provides that our teachers will be better trained to use the most up to date technology

• Provides over a period of years for all of our students to have their own computing devices

• Provides for the State Board of Education to draft rules regarding course and curriculum standards to include some online requirements

There is no doubt that this Legislature accomplished more to improve our Idaho schools than any legislature in the history of our state. What a great accomplishment! Again, those Senators and Representatives who braved the torrent of protestors and naysayers in order to do what's right for our school students are to be commended!


Chairman Idahoans For Choice In Education