TIMBERLAKE: In defense of recall
Recently a letter to the editor signed Renee Konopski was published in the Coeur d'Alene Press. The claim in this letter was that Renee Konopski had been forced to sign the petition requesting that David (Rudy) Rudebaugh and Marty Fish, Timberlake Fire Commissioners, be placed on an election ballot to be recalled. I spent time reviewing the voters registration list and my petitions and found no Renee Konopski in either place. This led me to believe that this was a fictitious letter.
The Press was contacted and Mike Patrick informed me that the letter had been signed "Mis-Informed Timberlake Supporter." Mike Patrick allowed the fictitious name, which was included with the e-mailed letter, to be used. This is stretching "freedom of the press." Mr. Patrick said the signer wanted to remain anonymous because "she was concerned about her safety" (not from Chuck she said but from others. Note: I can only guess what she means by a "threat to her safety"; was she threatened by those opposed to the petition?)
I cannot directly address the claims in this letter because I do not recall "strong arming" any petition signers. The wording in this letter leads me to believe that the submitter had a great deal of help in writing it.
I did not spend much time in my visits to potential petition signers. My procedure was to get a voter registration list for a certain area and call ahead if a phone number were available. I would introduce myself and say I was circulating a petition to put two Timberlake Commissioners on the next election ballot for recall so that all the voters in the district could vote for or against a recall. If the person said no, I told them to study the information for or against and please vote in the election. I thanked them and left. If they had questions, I would try to answer them.
If the writer of the original letter would like to discuss any issues, feel free to call me, I am in the phone book. This is not a personal issue that should cause name calling.
Finally, I believe the allegations in the petition are true. The minutes of the Timberlake Fire Commissioners are on the Internet and show a lack of input from the public and a lack of communication from the Commissioners, i.e., closed executive sessions.