Thursday, March 06, 2025

MINNICK: Guilty of spinning truth

| September 24, 2010 10:00 PM

The perils of taking single comments out of context came to the forefront recently when the White House/Dept. of Agriculture fired Shirley Sherrod for a comment played on a website, only to retract after they bothered to watch a few more minutes of the speech and realized her intent was opposite of the initial accusation. Another outrageous example of misusing a comment in a disingenuous manner can be seen in the new TV commercial by Walt Minnick about his congressional opponent Raul Labrador.

State legislator Labrador was giving a lengthy, thorough and thoughtful answer to the complicated problem of illegal immigration and Minnick took one partial sentence for his commercial completely out of context. This is more than disingenuous; he is purposely misrepresenting the truth. Another definition for that is LYING.

Washington, D.C., is full of politicians who twist and spin the truth; Congress already has more than enough leaders who are willing to lie and deceive the American people to retain their own power.

We need to restore honor, integrity and trust to our nation's capitol. Minnick is trying to spin Labrador's experience as an immigration lawyer as a negative. On the contrary, we are a nation of immigrants and his expertise is LEGAL immigration, which includes cases such as foreign adoptions. (What is more noble than that?) His experience will be invaluable in D.C. in finding solutions to the huge problem of illegal immigration.

The Democrats have more money to spend in this election cycle than the Republicans (hmmm... billions of taxpayer confiscated unspent stimulus money?), but don't be fooled by these lying ads. Join me in supporting the conservative congressman we need to help stop the insane spending spree in Washington! Vote Raul Labrador Nov. 2.


Hayden Lake