Thursday, January 02, 2025

MUSLIMS: Don't fall for anything

| September 23, 2010 5:05 PM

Self-flagellation, thy name is Daniel Connacher (Ltrs, 19 Sep). What in the world is the purpose of his litany of Christian offenses against Muslims - hundreds of years ago? Nice touch with the hyperbole of "knee-deep Muslim blood." One might notice that he had nothing but praise for the tender mercies of the "religion of peace." In typical mea culpa fashion Connacher begins his guilt trip with the Crusades; if he were this interested in history, he might have gone back a little further and wondered what Muslim armies were doing in Austria and Spain. You probably couldn't find any group of people in the world who haven't some time in their history done very bad things - for whatever cause.

Connacher could save a lot of time by studying CURRENT affairs - say - 9/11, random bombings, slaughter of people trying to vote, acid in the faces of schoolgirls, beheadings - you know, those peaceful acts by the "radical minority" - the unending stream of "minority." These are the folks whose religion says "convert or die."

As for doing penance for long ago history, Connacher's suggestion that we supply Korans to Muslims is the silly hope that they will then love us. I can only offer "if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything." Finally, PLEASE don't lecture on Jesus Christ when you clearly haven't met Him.


Spirit Lake