Thursday, January 02, 2025

SLAUGHTER: Not OK for any religion

| September 22, 2010 10:00 PM

Mr. Connacher's letter seems to state that anything the Muslim community has done since 1099 is justifiable. You say you are a "perpetual student of history." Really? How convenient to overlook the 1,032 slaughter of 6,000 Jews in Fez, Morocco.

How about the 1,640 ‘al-Khada' against the Jewish population? It is never factual history when reporting only certain events.

Nicholas Berg, Jack Hensley, Eugene Armstrong, Paul Johnson and Daniel Pearl's beheading, not to mention all the Muslims who are beheaded or stoned for some infraction - all justifiable to you? Was 9/11 justifiable to you?

Muslins kill each other by the hundreds with all their car and suicide bombings, it never stops. In the Middle East Muslims treat women, children and each other as expendable. You can try and hide behind a "religion" but in the end it is all evil, twist it anyway you want but nothing justifies wholesale slaughter.

Oh yeah, and did you know that Jesus is spoken of in the Bible as the "Son of God?"

