ELECTION: Poem offers perspective
Friday's paper in one giant stroke -
A couple of questions - was sure to provoke.
On Page 4 was a letter promoting a man
Known far and wide as Candidate Dan.
Mr. English's election expertise has brought him to fame
And among his peers he has great acclaim.
But what is this? On Page 1 there's different kind of story
Of an election gone bad - the details are gory.
Last fall's Council race is now all in shambles
The story goes on - and how it does ramble.
A court case - five days-loaded with sworn testimony
Mixed with laws and rulings and much acrimony.
And who was in charge of elections that year?
Why it was Candidate English - or so it would appear.
With supervision lax and records deleted
Who really won and who was defeated?
Not the County's best moment, but one to remember
Since we all get to vote - come next November.