Thursday, January 02, 2025

GOP: Referendum on this administration

| September 17, 2010 5:36 AM

Idaho in October 2009 passed state sovereignty resolutions or 10th Amendment resolutions.

This resolution limits the ability of the federal government to use state government as an instrument of the national government ie. national health care. Mandatory participation would be null and void within the state. We the majority of the people do not want the federal government in our personal business. I fear the fed. Government will not do the right thing for the people, in this and many other areas as well. These few elitists in Washington are forming this without listening to or caring about their constituents and making back-room deals.

We the people need to take a stand.

The corrupt legislators are banking we won't. This November should be a referendum on the policies of this administration. The economic philosophy of growing bigger government is not what the majority wants or needs, how can you give tax cuts then make the people pay, or tax, or fine, or whatever you want to call it, for health care. The legitimacy of this administration comes to question. Vote In November...

