Thursday, January 02, 2025

Idaho soars on average SAT scores

| September 15, 2010 8:12 AM

BOISE – Idaho students continue to outperform their peers nationally and in neighboring states on the SAT, according to the most recent results.

“I am excited to see Idaho students continue to outpace students nationally and their peers in Washington, Oregon and other surrounding states on the SAT. We still have a lot of work to do to ensure every student is college- and career-ready after high school, but I celebrate the great achievements our students have made so far and look forward to building on this progress,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna said.

The SAT is a college readiness exam that students take when applying for undergraduate colleges and universities in the United States. The SAT measures students’ skills in critical reading, mathematics and writing.

On average, Idaho students scored a 1601.  That’s well above the national average score of 1509 and above students in most of Idaho’s surrounding states. For example, students in Washington state scored an average 1564, and Oregon students scored an average 1546, according to the 2010 SAT results.