Detox programs: Which is the best?
The abundance of toxins in our water, air, soil, foods, etc. is undeniable. Detoxification has been used for thousands of years, but only recently has there been an abundance of detox programs available. With some you feel great, others you can feel sick. Everyone professes to have the best, but how do we know which is the best?
The concept of detoxification is to stimulate the body's normal mechanism to detoxify. Many organs are involved with either detoxifying directly, or in moving toxins through the body to be eliminated. The blood, lymph and intestines are instrumental in moving toxins toward organs of elimination. Although the skin is the largest eliminative organ, the most vital for the detoxification mechanism is the liver and kidneys. Many ask why we need to do a specific detoxification program when we have the system already in place to detoxify. It is because those systems are so overwhelmed today that they need help. If you did nothing but fast (eat and drink nothing but water) for a few weeks, the body could catch up, however, that isn't recommended today. So which are the best programs?
A detoxification program should include eating regularly. It should be a diet where all processed foods, high carbohydrate foods, and all hydrogenated and trans fats are eliminated. It makes no sense to try to rid the body of all the toxic additives in foods, while you continue to eat foods which add to the body's already overwhelmed toxic burden. The diet should nourish the tissues during the detoxification. This nourishment generally comes from the specific allowable foods plus a shake. The shake should be made with raw protein. High heat-processed protein powders actually add to the body's burden. The shake should also contain some good powdered vegetables to nourish the tissues.
The detox should include fiber to absorb the liquified toxins and keep the bowels moving well to help with elimination of the toxins through the bowels. Herbs are always a vital component. There should be herbs to support detoxification of the liver, kidneys, bowels, lymph and blood. Very importantly, the formula needs to stimulate both Phase I and Phase II of the liver detoxification pathways. This is very important. Without both phases activated, you will feel weak, lethargic, bloated and headachy. This is where most detoxification programs fall short. There are only a few components that initiate both phases, and usually only Phase I gets activated in typical over the counter detoxification regimes.
A good detoxification program leaves you feeling energized, feeling light and assists in weight loss.
We hold a group Purification & Weight Loss Jumpstart Program along with a supportive and educational series of classes several times each year. Next series begins: 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 22. No fee to participate in the classes. You are welcome to attend the first class and learn more about the program before committing to participate. There is a fee for the nutritional products involved in the detoxification program. RSVP: (208) 765-1994.
Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with more than 30 years of experience. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d'Alene clinic. Visit Dr. Carling's website at to learn more about Dr. Carling, view a list of upcoming health classes and read other informative articles. Dr. Carling can be reached at (208) 765-1994 and would be happy to answer any questions regarding this topic.