Thursday, January 02, 2025

GAYS WED: Two theories can coexist

| September 10, 2010 10:00 PM

Regarding Ron Vieselmeyer's letter (Gays Wed: Support means rejecting God). Three things:

1. I study history and he sounds like the zealots from the past who said women shouldn't vote for "biblical" reasons.

2. He talks about Darwin's theory as if no Christians believe in it. FYI, President Bush's own science adviser called it the cornerstone of all biology. And as a Christian (Catholic) I haven't met a Christian yet who didn't believe in it. The theories aren't mutually exclusive.

3. If Vieselmeyer wants someone to blame for gay people and thus gay marriage, he can blame straight people like himself (and myself I suppose) because we straight people are having all the gay babies.


High Point, N.C.

P.S. I live in North Carolina but my parents live in Coeur d'Alene and I read your paper when I am in town, so that's how I read this letter.